[RELIGIOUS STUDY] Afterlife Implies

Several religion explain about afterlife, every believers will implement their believe in daily life. In Islam, believe to judgment day include in one of ‘Rukun Iman’. Afterlife is an eternity life; the believers will get the Mercy from God. All pleasure and honor as the gift for their good attitude as believers. But the unbelievers will get their punishment in afterlife. In judgmental day, people will divide into two group; believers and sinner. Those two has their own place in the next (eternity).

Here several verse in Quran which describe about mercy and all pleasure in heaven:
(Q.S Ali Imran 3: 15) Say: Shall I give you glad word of things far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in closeness to their Lord... and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah sight are (all) His servants.
(Q.S Al Maidah 5:119) Allah will say: This is a day in which the truthful will profit from their truth. Theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath- their eternal Home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation.

Hell description in Quran:
(Q.S Az Zumar 39:71) After the judgement has been passed) the unbelievers shall be driven in companies to Hell so that when they arrive there, its gates shall be thrown open81 and its keepers shall say to them: "Did Messengers from among yourselves not come to you, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord and warning you against your meeting of this Day?" They will say: "Yes indeed, but the sentence of chastisement was bound to be execute against the believers."

81. That is, the gates of Hell will not have already been opened but will be opened on their arrival there just as the gate of a prison is opened on the arrival of the culprits and is closed as soon as they have entered it.

(Q.S Al Baqarah 2: 161-162) Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting- on them is Allah's curse, and the curse of angels, and of all mankind. They will abide therein: Their penalty will not be lightened, nor will they receive respite
(Q.S An Nisa 4:52) They are (men) whom Allah hath cursed: And those whom Allah Hath cursed, thou wilt find, have no one to help

I believe that one day, the judgment day will come. All people in the world cannot run away from that, everybody will death and rise again to face the afterlife. So, what afterlife implies to my life? Here I notice them:

1. Pray to the God, pray for my success today, healthiness for me and all my family, pray all to be good also to the afterlife

2. I thank to the God that in nowadays I have a religion which is will guide me closer to better life in this world and next

3. Afraid to do the worst and maybe make a sin. I believe that every people have two angel in their shoulders. Rakib in right shoulder will write the good attitude. And Atid in left shoulder will write the bad attitude or sin

4. Always make individual  introspection in the way to closer with the mercy of God. Before the sin burn in hell and in the eternity, people can repent or "tobat". Swear that they never do that sin again and life in good way, come closer to our religion and the God

5. Appreciate every single time, every second, minutes, hour, day, month and year in our life. Because life in this world is once and the afterlife is forever. So, I won't waste my time for not important thing. Here a verse in Quran about after life is forever:

"As to those who reject Faith: if they had everything on earth, and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Judgement, it would never be accepted of them. Theirs would be a grievous penalty. Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get out. Their penalty will be one that endures" (Q.S Al Maidah 5: 36-37)

Everything in this world will back to the creator, life in eternity. Choose their place based on deed when life in world. The believers will accept the honor from God, very beautiful place that cannot describe by human words. Heaven is another secret of the God in eternity. Also the sinner that promised to be hell dweller forever until the sins was burned. As the human, we cannot count how much our sin and how much merit as long as we life. So we can’t judge are we safe in the eternity or not?  We just do the best, deed everything with good intention.

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